Sep 7, 2009


Guess what!?
I got a new camera today!
What a quick decision...!
In the previous entry I just said,you know, I was still wondering if I should compromise and get a cheaper but lower-quality one, or I should just wait until I can afford to buy the latest one which I liked the best.What I got today is.... THE LATTER ONE!Yes, finally I could get the latest one I really wanted to get!Luckly, when I went to another camera shop this morning, I found the same camera as the one I gave up yesterday was somehow much cheaper than yesterday's one!I thought that, if I missed this chance, I would not be able to get this next time,so I just need to get it now. So finally I dicided to buy it.
What a lucky girl I am!I thought I was right not to have compromised yesterday. After getting home I played with the new camera for a while. I totally like this camera!Well, from now on I'm gonna upload pictures taken with this new camera=)

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