Aug 12, 2010

A super - large summer sweet!

Whoa, I've been so active in blogging these days! 
Good thing, right? ;)

My university's cafeteria has a special dessert menu which is available during summer only.
We decided to try it the other day - It was my first time in my uni life!
Here it is!

It's a super big "goldfish bowl parfait"!!!! 
3000 yen(≒ 35 USD) / one bowl

It's well known as the unique dessert of my uni, and also it's pretty hard to get one - 'cause the number of the bowls sold per day is limited to 7. Every day, before the time when they start selling them, there's a long line of students who are trying to get it! 
We managed to get two of them!! How lucky ;)

Okay, let's get the party started!
The parfait consisted of vanilla ice cream, whip cream, some chocolate bars, some pieces of cheesecake, strawbelly jam, corn flakes, some fruits, and more. They were sooo yummy! Since it was such a hot day, we enjoyed them so much.
However, the less the remainder got, the more we got tired of it. 
It was too much even for the normal 10 people. Apparently, we were too silly to get two bowls...O.o 

My senpai struggling to finish them up after we all gave it up lol
Conclusion and warning:It's impossible and so reckless(or sometimes it could be even dangerous) to try to eat them all only by yourself, unless you are a glutton or a food fighter. Haha!
Alright, so, any challengers? 

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ


Masaya said...

Oh, it's really big parfait!! I wanna try it. lol

Yuka.M said...

Try it TRY IT!!! It may kill you though! lol

Trish said...

ooo that sounds yummy, id like to try it haha

Thanh Thao said...

It would definitely have killed me, since I'm a slow eater, hahahaha!

Wow, it must have been a real challenge! Now you don't wanna have some sweets for weeks, right? XDD

Brigida Alexandra Marcella said...

is it tasty??
it does look so!

I wanna try.... huhuhuhu

Yuka.M said...

Trish : Try it! If you could eat them all I'll give you a special award!!!

Yuka.M said...

タンタオ: Yeah, it made me kinda sick, and made me feel just don't wanna have any sweets for ages lol!

Yuka.M said...
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Yuka.M said...

Bree: Yeah it was really tasty at first, but as it melted it became more like a drink...haha!!